House Republicans have claimed to have evidence proving that Hunter Biden lied multiple times under oath during his congressional deposition. The House Ways & Means Committee voted to release documents that reveal Hunter Biden’s alleged lies during the deposition. The committee obtained evidence showing that Hunter Biden lied at least three times, with Chairman Jason Smith stating that lying during sworn testimony is a felony offense that should be prosecuted. Hunter Biden has faced charges in two separate jurisdictions, including federal gun charges in Delaware and federal tax charges in California. Special Counsel David Weiss alleged a “four-year scheme” where Hunter Biden failed to pay federal income taxes and filed false tax reports.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler made allegations earlier this year that prosecutorial decisions in the federal investigation into Hunter Biden were politically motivated. They claimed that the Justice Department did not charge Hunter Biden for failing to pay federal income tax for 2014 and 2015 and accused Weiss of allowing the statute of limitations to expire for tax charges against Hunter Biden. Shapley asserted that Hunter Biden should have been charged with tax evasion for 2014 and filing false tax returns for 2018 and 2019, specifically not reporting income from Burisma Holdings. It was previously reported that Hunter Biden did not report around $400,000 in income from Burisma Holdings when he joined the board in 2014.

The House Ways & Means Committee’s investigation and the release of documents are seen as efforts to ensure the equal application of the law and hold Hunter Biden accountable for his actions. Smith emphasized that it is not a personal vendetta against Hunter Biden, but an attempt to uncover the truth in an investigation involving potential corruption. The committee’s obtained evidence allegedly shows that Hunter Biden obstructed the congressional investigation into his family’s potential corruption and lied under oath during his deposition. The evidence released highlights the importance of IRS whistleblowers as the only witnesses who can be trusted to tell the truth in this investigation.

Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to federal gun charges in Delaware and federal tax charges in California. The charges stem from Weiss’ years-long investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged failure to pay federal income taxes and filing false tax reports. The allegations made by IRS whistleblowers suggest that the federal investigation into Hunter Biden was influenced by politics, with accusations that the Justice Department did not charge him for failing to pay federal income tax and allowing the statute of limitations to expire for certain tax charges. These developments highlight the complex legal issues surrounding Hunter Biden and the ongoing investigation into his financial affairs.

The allegations against Hunter Biden signal a potential legal battle ahead as he faces charges in two separate jurisdictions for federal gun and tax charges. The House Republicans’ claims of uncovering evidence proving Hunter Biden lied under oath add another layer of complexity to the situation. The IRS whistleblowers’ allegations of political interference in the federal investigation also raise concerns about the impartiality of the legal process. As the investigation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how these allegations and charges will impact Hunter Biden and his family, as well as the broader political landscape. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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