The House Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Republicans, released a report criticizing the Biden administration for its handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The report accuses President Biden of prioritizing his personal legacy over national security interests by ignoring warnings about the risks of a complete withdrawal. The report also implicates Vice President Kamala Harris in the decision-making process. The Republicans argue that the deadly outcome of the evacuation, which resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members in a suicide bombing, could have been prevented if the State Department had executed a better evacuation plan.

The report is critical of the White House’s handling of the withdrawal, particularly their failure to heed warnings from military officials and allies. It questions the decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and blames both the Trump and Biden administrations for the chaotic situation that unfolded in the summer of 2021. The report highlights overly optimistic statements made by government officials leading up to the withdrawal, despite the Taliban’s increasing control of the country. The House Foreign Affairs Committee conducted interviews with Biden administration officials and obtained thousands of pages of documents as part of their investigation.

The report includes recommendations to prevent similar situations in the future, such as reestablishing a Crisis Bureau in the State Department and implementing standard operating procedures for the Pentagon. The Democrats on the committee defend the Biden administration’s preparations for the withdrawal, arguing that President Trump initiated the irreversible withdrawal and that President Biden chose to end the war rather than engage in renewed combat with the Taliban. The White House criticized the GOP-led report, calling it partisan and based on cherry-picked facts.

The report details the chaotic events of August 2021, including the evacuation of embassy staff and Afghan allies. Local employees were deprioritized, and many who attempted to leave the airport were met with violence from the Taliban. The report blames the National Security Council, led by Jake Sullivan, for providing misleading talking points and failing to consult key officials in Afghanistan. Zalmay Khalilzad, who helped broker the Doha Agreement, is also criticized for excluding the Afghan government from negotiations and undermining U.S. policy.

The report concludes that the withdrawal had long-term consequences on U.S. national security, comparing the events in Afghanistan to the fall of Saigon. Democrats on the committee criticized the report as partisan and designed to serve as a campaign tool. They argue that President Biden made the best decision given the circumstances and that the chaotic evacuation saved the lives of many people. The debate around the Afghanistan withdrawal remains contentious, with both parties offering different perspectives on the events leading up to and following the evacuation.

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