The House passed a bill with $60.8 billion of aid for Ukraine and a measure to force TikTok’s parent company to sell it or be banned in the U.S. This bill is expected to go to the Senate along with other bills for aid to Israel, Taiwan, and additional security assistance. The passage of the bill was met with cheers and waving of Ukrainian flags by lawmakers. This aid comes at a critical time in Ukraine’s war with Russia, as President Zelenskyy has urged for supplies to defend Ukraine.

Speaker Mike Johnson defied conservative rebels by bringing the bill to a vote, despite opposition from members like Marjorie Taylor Greene. The bill represents a bipartisan effort to support Ukraine and fend off Russian aggression. Former President Trump issued a statement that did not clearly take a position on the bill. The bills are expected to be packaged together and sent to the Senate for approval before being signed into law by President Biden. Senate leaders including Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell have expressed support for the aid measures.

The bill forces TikTok’s parent company to sell the app or face a ban in the U.S. within nine months. This policy has Senate buy-in and support from President Biden. The bill also includes aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and security assistance for the Indo-Pacific. The House is expected to vote on these bills, which will then go to the Senate for approval in the coming days. The aid package includes adjustments compared to the earlier version passed by the Senate, totaling $95 billion in aid.

The bills represent a significant bipartisan effort to provide aid to Ukraine and other nations in need. Speaker Mike Johnson sided with Democrats and Republicans who believe supporting Ukraine is crucial for national security interests. Lawmakers cited the threat of Russian aggression and the importance of providing necessary resources to allies like Ukraine to fend off attacks. The bills are expected to be approved by the Senate in the next few days, with Senate leaders expressing urgency in passing the legislation to provide support to Ukraine and other nations.

The passage of the bill may bring Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene closer to forcing a vote to remove Speaker Johnson. Johnson warned that failing to support Ukraine could result in further Russian aggression, emphasizing the importance of providing aid to protect American interests. The bills are part of a larger effort to support allies and provide security assistance in key regions around the world. Senate leaders are working to expedite the approval process to ensure that aid is delivered promptly to those in need. The testimony of various lawmakers underscores the urgent need for supporting nations like Ukraine in the face of external threats.

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