Former President Donald Trump and independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. faced hostility from Libertarian Party members at the party’s convention in Washington, D.C. The chaotic scene saw Libertarians clashing with pro-Trump attendees, resulting in disruptions and removals from the room. Trump’s appeals to the crowd, including a call for the commutation of Ross Ulbricht’s life sentence, were met with boos and jeers as he departed the stage.

While Trump and Kennedy, who attempted to win over Libertarians by promising pardons for Edward Snowden and dropping charges against Julian Assange, were hoping to gain support from the party, they faced division and pushback from some delegates who wanted them excluded. The decision to invite both candidates to speak at the convention stirred controversy within the Libertarian Party, with some members feeling that Trump and Kennedy did not align with the party’s principles.

The invitation of Trump and Kennedy to the convention led to protests and objections from some Libertarian voters, who felt that their presence was not in line with the party’s values. Attendees expressed disappointment and frustration at the choice to have non-Libertarian candidates addressing the convention, with some feeling that it was a “slap in the face” to party members. Despite attempts by Trump and Kennedy to appeal to the Libertarian crowd, their reception was mixed, with some questioning their commitment to libertarian ideals.

Libertarian voters in attendance voiced their concerns about having non-Libertarian candidates featured at the convention, with many feeling that Trump and Kennedy did not represent the party’s principles. Some delegates expressed disappointment with the choices presented at the event, with one attendee mentioning that Trump did not live up to expectations during his first term in the White House. The decision to invite Trump and Kennedy also drew criticism from Libertarian voters who felt that the focus should have been on showcasing true Libertarian candidates.

The presence of Trump and Kennedy at the Libertarian Party convention highlighted the party’s influence and the importance of their votes in the upcoming election. While both candidates sought to appeal to Libertarian voters, their reception was met with mixed reactions and discontent from some party members. The controversy surrounding their presence reflected the divide within the Libertarian Party and the ongoing debate over the party’s principles and values.

Overall, the Libertarian Party convention in Washington, D.C. exposed tensions and divisions within the party as former President Donald Trump and independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. faced hostility and protests from some Libertarian members. The decision to invite both candidates to speak at the event sparked controversy and objections from party delegates who felt that their presence did not align with the party’s principles. Despite attempts to appeal to the Libertarian audience, Trump and Kennedy’s speeches were met with mixed reactions, leading to discussions about the party’s values and the candidates who best represent them.

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