August is packed with celestial events, including Venus moving into Virgo, a new moon in Leo, and the start of Mercury retrograde on August 4th. There is a general inclination towards criticism and over-focusing on practical matters rather than joyous ones with Mercury and Venus in Virgo. As Leo season continues, it is essential to remember to focus on creation, compassion, mercy, friendship, truth, and love rather than obsession and worry.

Around August 19th, there will be a full moon in Aquarius, signaling a time to look beyond the reflective period of Mercury retrograde and focus on the future. Leo season ends on August 22nd as Virgo season begins, with Mercury retrograde ending on the 28th. The shadow period will linger into September, although Venus’s move into Libra on August 29th will help to ease tensions.

Aries, with Mars in Gemini, may find that wordplay is a favorite sport during Leo season, but there is a need to balance pleasure with responsibility. Taurus can use the pragmatic energy of Virgo to reevaluate their relationship with luxury. Gemini should focus on relaxation and reset during this period, while Cancer is urged to consider their worth and be clear about what they will not accept in relationships.

Leo, ruled by the sun, will undergo a rebirth during the new moon on August 4th, prompting a reflection on what to leave behind and how to uplift others. Virgo will grapple with questions of self-identity and fear, with the reminder to try again each day. Libra is urged to be authentic rather than appeasing in their interactions with the world, while Scorpio is encouraged to express confident tenderness rather than fearfulness.

Sagittarius should embrace stillness as Mercury retrograde affects their ninth house of journeys and philosophy, while Capricorn should listen to their intuition during Leo season’s transformative energies. Aquarius, with the sun in their area of relationships, is encouraged to open up their heart and let love in. Lastly, Pisces is invited to create routines that serve them and engage in conversations that fortify their well-being during Leo season.

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