Honey Valentine Gonzales, known as Honey Balenciaga, is a vogueing superstar who embodies diva energy every day, with the drama taken up a notch for the Mugler show. She approaches each fashion show as an opportunity to channel a different character based on the designer and house. Balenciaga has her preparation routine down to a science, starting with a normal morning routine of skincare, stretching, and setting intentions for the day before getting ready for the show.

Having first encountered the Mugler team while dancing on the Renaissance World Tour, Balenciaga found herself among the likes of Cardi B, Laverne Cox, and Dara Allen in the front row of the show. She expressed her admiration for Mugler’s commitment to inclusivity and representation of trans women on the runway, citing icons like Connie Flemming and newer models like Alex Consani and Collin Jones. Balenciaga was particularly impressed by the custom looks worn during the Renaissance World Tour and was excited to witness a continuation of the brand’s dedication to diversity.

As the show concluded, Balenciaga was ready to let loose and enjoy the nightlife in Paris, having previously only experienced quick visits to the city. She looked forward to savoring the quality of food and socializing with friends in the fashion industry. Balenciaga emphasized the pleasure of sipping martinis with the “French girlz” and relishing the unique atmosphere and culture of Paris Fashion Week.

Balenciaga’s experience at the Mugler spring 2025 show was a blend of professional admiration and personal enjoyment. She embraced the opportunity to celebrate the brand’s history of championing underrepresented voices in fashion while also indulging in the social scene of Paris. Balenciaga’s presence at the show highlighted her status as a prominent figure in the world of voguing and ballroom culture, as well as her appreciation for the artistry and inclusivity of the fashion industry.

As she prepared for the show, Balenciaga exuded confidence and poise, embodying the essence of a true diva. Her dedication to her craft, attention to detail in her routine, and appreciation for the history and evolution of fashion made her a fitting guest at the Mugler show. Balenciaga’s journey from the Ballroom scene to the front row of high-profile fashion events reflects her unique blend of talent, style, and authenticity that has earned her recognition and respect in the industry.

Overall, Honey Balenciaga’s experience at the Mugler spring 2025 show in Paris encapsulated the essence of fashion, artistry, and celebration. Her presence symbolized a harmonious blend of personal expression, inclusivity, and admiration for the evolving landscape of fashion. Balenciaga’s journey from preparation to participation in the show underscored her status as a trailblazer in the voguing community and a respected figure in the world of high fashion, embodying the spirit of creativity, diversity, and elegance.

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