Travelers returning from their hometowns for the holiday of Bayram are causing traffic congestion in Kırıkkale, which is a point of connection for the roadways of 43 cities. Particularly on the Kırıkkale-Ankara highway, traffic congestion is causing vehicles to move slowly, while traffic police continue their efforts to ensure smooth traffic flow. Police teams are also conducting inspections at the enforcement point under the high-speed train bridge on the Kırıkkale-Ankara highway. In order to maintain normal traffic flow, highway crews have temporarily closed some intersections on the Kırıkkale-Ankara highway. The traffic congestion on the road is expected to continue until the weekend.

Travelers who spent their holiday in the touristic areas of Saros Bay and Çanakkale in Thrace are still on their way back home to Istanbul from Tekirdağ. Today, in the afternoon, there was a traffic congestion starting from Tekirdağ towards Istanbul. Traffic queues occasionally formed in various locations such as the Çorlu intersection at the border of Silivri district of Istanbul in Tekirdağ, Marmaraereğlisi district, and the city center. Police and gendarmerie teams took precautions at important intersections to ensure smooth traffic flow. Drivers were warned to be cautious. Authorities have stated that they expect the return traffic to Istanbul to continue until Sunday evening.

There is a movement of return traffic on the Bolu and Düzce sections of the Anadolu Highway. The Bolu section of the highway towards Istanbul including the Gerede, Yeniçağa, and Köroğlu ramps, Caydurt, Bolu-Batı, Yumrukaya, and Bolu Mountain Tunnel locations are experiencing heavy but fluent traffic flow. Traffic is progressing as usual on the Ankara-bound section of the highway as well as on both directions of the D-100 highway. Additionally, a fluent heavy traffic flow is observed on the Gerede-Karabük road section connecting the Anadolu Highway to the Black Sea cities. Traffic flow on the route towards Ankara is normal.

A breakdown by an unidentified driver of a load-carrying truck in the Büyük Melen Bridge location in the Istanbul-bound part of the Anadolu Highway caused an increase in traffic congestion in the Düzce section of the highway. The right lane where the truck broke down was partially closed off with bollards by highway crews. Due to the truck breakdown, a long line of vehicles formed between the Düzce toll booths and the Büyük Melen Bridge location in the Istanbul-bound direction of the highway.

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