Governor Kathy Hochul of New York is backing away from controversial proposals to change the way the state determines school funding, at least for this year. In an impromptu visit to the press chambers, she indicated that significant changes to the school aid formula would likely be delayed until next year to give everyone sufficient notice. The details of the formula change still need to be worked out, and Hochul is discussing with legislative leaders how the mechanism will work for the future.

One of the most contentious proposals by Governor Hochul involves eliminating the aspect of the funding formula known as “hold harmless.” This provision ensures that school districts do not receive a reduction in state funding from one year to another. If this mechanism is removed, nearly half of the school districts in New York would see a decrease in state funding. Additionally, Hochul proposed changes to how inflation is factored into the formula, arguing that the current level of school funding, mandated by a court ruling, is unsustainable in the long term.

Initially, Democrats and Republicans expressed outrage over the governor’s proposals, but lawmakers are starting to come around to the idea of addressing the funding formula. The state Senate included a measure in its budget proposal to conduct a study on potential changes to the formula, although there is disagreement on whether the report should be conducted by the state education department or another agency. Hochul believes that changes to the funding formula are overdue, given the substantial increase in school funding under her administration.

The governor’s remarks represent progress in resolving a heated debate between her and legislative leaders as they work towards a final agreement on the state’s budget. Hochul’s proposal to delay major changes to the funding formula until next year would allow for more thorough discussions and preparations to ensure a smoother transition. She acknowledges that the details of the formula change still need to be ironed out but is committed to finding a mechanism that will work for all parties involved.

Hochul’s focus on adjusting the school funding formula reflects her administration’s dedication to ensuring fair and sustainable allocation of resources to school districts in New York. By considering changes to the way funding is distributed and taking into account factors like inflation, the governor aims to create a more balanced and effective system for supporting education across the state. While there may be disagreements on specific proposals, Hochul’s willingness to engage with legislative leaders and seek input from various stakeholders demonstrates a commitment to finding solutions that benefit all parties involved in the education funding process.

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