The school student councils of six eastern German states have expressed concern over the increasing threat of right-wing extremism in schools and have called for action to address the issue. They believe that völkisch narratives, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, and extremist ideologies are on the rise in schools, and students are ill-prepared to deal with them. Symbols like swastikas and Hitler salutes are becoming more common in school environments, and there is a growing acceptance of extremist views as legitimate expressions of opinion. Additionally, modern forms of right-wing extremism, often disguised, are spreading through algorithms, fake news, and propaganda online, influencing the opinions of young people.

The student councils are advocating for a strengthening of history, politics, and social studies education to increase knowledge about the historical background and current threats to democracy posed by right-wing extremism. They also emphasize the importance of teaching students how to navigate digital media responsibly. They believe that teaching democratic debate, political judgment, and respectful interactions in schools is essential. Furthermore, they stress the need for teacher training to equip educators with the tools to address issues of extremism in the classroom effectively.

The student councils highlight the importance of addressing right-wing extremism in schools to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. They believe that educational institutions play a crucial role in preventing radicalization among young people and promoting democratic values. By strengthening education on history, politics, and social issues, students can develop a better understanding of the dangers posed by extremism and learn how to counter harmful ideologies effectively. With the rise of online extremism, it is essential to equip students with the skills to critically evaluate information and navigate the digital world responsibly.

The student councils are calling for a coordinated effort from schools, policymakers, and communities to combat right-wing extremism effectively. They stress the need for collaboration between educators, parents, and students to create a united front against extremist ideologies. By promoting tolerance, diversity, and democratic values in schools, they hope to create a strong foundation for combating extremism and fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding. The student councils urge stakeholders to take proactive measures to address the root causes of extremism and create a safe and inclusive environment for all students to learn and grow. They believe that with collective action and commitment, it is possible to prevent the spread of extremism and promote a more tolerant and democratic society in eastern Germany.

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