Excavation work was carried out by the Milas Museum Directorate before the construction of a new building in place of an old house demolished on Eski Street in Ahmet Çavuş Hayıtlı Mahallesi. During the work, historical marble architectural pieces, as well as historical roof tiles and ceramic pieces, were found. The historical artifacts unearthed were protected for conservation.

The area is classified as a 3rd degree archaeological site, and ongoing research is being conducted regarding rescue excavations and the nature of the historical structure. This indicates the importance placed on preserving the historical significance of the area and understanding its past.

The discovery of these ancient artifacts adds to the rich history of the region and provides insight into the architectural techniques and materials used in the past. This excavation work sheds light on the cultural heritage of the area and emphasizes the need for careful planning and assessment before any construction projects are carried out in historically significant locations.

The Milas Museum Directorate’s efforts to conduct a thorough survey before beginning construction demonstrate a commitment to preserving and protecting the cultural heritage of the region. By documenting and safeguarding these historical artifacts, they are ensuring that future generations will be able to learn from and appreciate the history of the area.

The findings from the excavation work on Eski Street in Ahmet Çavuş Hayıtlı Mahallesi serve as a reminder of the rich historical and archaeological significance of the region. By continuing research and conducting rescue excavations, the authorities are taking proactive steps to ensure that the area’s heritage is properly documented and preserved for future generations.

Overall, the discovery of historical artifacts during the excavation work for a new building in Milas highlights the importance of conducting thorough surveys and assessments in archaeological sites before any construction activity takes place. This demonstrates a commitment to preserving the cultural heritage of the region and ensuring that the historical significance of the area is properly respected and protected for future generations to appreciate and learn from.

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