This week’s NYT Connections puzzle is ready for you to solve, with hints and answers provided for each group. The game involves arranging 16 words into four groups of four by finding the connections between them, such as horror movie franchises or types of verbs. Each group is color-coded, with yellow being the easiest and purple being the most challenging. If you make four mistakes, the game is over, so use hints and answers if needed.

Today’s 16 words include terms like FIX, SHIP, HOLE, and STAIN. The hints for the groups are: yellow group – dispatch, green group – tools to enhance the lower part of your face, blue group – in trouble, and purple group – measured in a certain type of scale. The actual groups are then revealed to be about delivering as a package, types of lip makeup, predicaments, and measurements in degrees.

The answers for today’s Connections puzzle are: MAIL, POST, SEND, and SHIP for the yellow group; BALM, GLOSS, LINER, and STAIN for the green group; CORNER, FIX, HOLE, and SPOT for the blue group; and ANGLE, CRIME, EDUCATION, and TEMPERATURE for the purple group. The author shares their own experience with solving the puzzle, getting 27 wins in a row but struggling with a spot of bother on this particular game.

The author provides insight into their thought process while solving the puzzle, including how they used BALM and GLOSS to identify the green group and how they struggled with the blues until figuring out the purple group with ANGLE and TEMPERATURE. They mention that CORNER posed a challenge in the blue group but ultimately managed to solve all the groups. The blog also provides hints and solutions for future games if needed.

In conclusion, the NYT Connections puzzle offers a fun challenge for solving word groups based on their connections, with different levels of difficulty and the thrill of completing each group correctly. The hints and answers provided can help players navigate through the puzzle and avoid making mistakes that could end the game prematurely. The author’s personal experience with the game adds an engaging touch to the column, inviting readers to test their skills in solving the Connections puzzle for themselves.

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