Two high school seniors in Illinois decided to prank their school principal by hiring a bagpiper to follow him around for an hour playing various tunes. The students, Maggie Moore and Pierce Hill, originally wanted to hire a mariachi band but found it was too expensive. Moore then remembered her love for Scottish music and decided to hire a bagpiper instead. The principal, Billy Robison, was surprised but delighted by the prank once he realized what was happening.

Bagpiper Scott Whitman of the Celtic Cross Pipes and Drums, came to Richwoods High School dressed in full Scottish attire and played songs such as Amazing Grace and Scotland the Brave throughout the building and even in the parking lot. Whitman mentioned that they often receive gig requests for funerals, weddings, and birthdays, but this was the first time he was asked to participate in a senior prank. Despite the initial intention of trying to annoy the principal, Robison found the prank to be creative and enjoyable.

The idea for the prank came about when Moore and Hill realized they couldn’t afford a mariachi band and settled on hiring a bagpiper, which was approved by school administrators. Robison appreciated the students’ creativity and commended them for coming up with a prank that was not destructive and didn’t require cleanup. The bagpiper followed the principal around for an hour, providing a unique and memorable experience for everyone involved.

In an interview with a local publication, Moore expressed her love for bagpipe music and how she enjoyed listening to it growing up. The students’ goal was to create a fun and lighthearted prank that would entertain both the principal and the school community. Their original idea to hire a mariachi band was altered due to budget constraints, leading them to come up with the creative alternative of hiring a bagpiper.

Robison, who was the target of the prank, was pleasantly surprised by the bagpiper’s performance and found the whole experience to be amusing and enjoyable. He commended the students for their inventive approach to pranking and appreciated that it was done in good fun without causing any harm or damage. The bagpiper’s unique performance provided a positive and memorable moment for the school community and showcased the students’ creativity and sense of humor.

Overall, the senior prank at Richwoods High School involving a bagpiper following the principal around for an hour was a humorous and lighthearted event that brought joy and entertainment to both the students and staff. The students’ decision to hire a bagpiper instead of a mariachi band led to a memorable and creative prank that was well-received by all involved. The principal’s positive reaction to the prank highlighted the importance of maintaining a fun and positive school environment where students can express themselves creatively while still respecting school guidelines.

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