Blake Lively has been facing backlash on social media for her recent promotion of her movie, “It Ends With Us,” which is based on a book about a woman in an abusive relationship. Lively’s brother-in-law, Bart Johnson, came to her defense on Instagram in response to a negative comment about the movie’s promotion. Johnson stated that the truth about the movie has not come out yet and that Lively worked hard on the film because it meant a lot to her. He acknowledged that mistakes were made but emphasized that Lively is the reason the message of the movie is getting out.

During a press interview promoting the movie, Lively faced more backlash for her sarcastic response to a reporter’s question about how fans should approach her regarding the sensitive topic of domestic violence. Lively also faced criticism for using the movie’s promotion to also promote her seltzer company and new hair care line. Additionally, an old interview resurfaced where Lively made a hurtful comment to a reporter about her apparent pregnancy when the reporter later revealed she couldn’t have kids, adding fuel to the backlash against Lively.

Adding to the controversy, it was revealed that Lively’s husband, Ryan Reynolds, rewrote a scene in the movie without the director’s knowledge, leading some to speculate that Reynolds may have scabbed during a writer’s strike. This revelation further fueled criticism of Lively and Reynolds, leading to even more negative attention on social media. The backlash against Lively and Reynolds has continued to grow as more details emerge about their behavior during the promotion of the movie, with many expressing disappointment in their actions.

Despite the backlash, Johnson continued to defend Lively’s character and dedication to the movie. He emphasized that Lively worked hard on the film and that the message of the story is important. Johnson acknowledged that mistakes were made by Lively and others involved in the project but reiterated that Lively’s intentions were genuine and that she deserves respect and love.

The controversy surrounding Lively and Reynolds has sparked discussions about ethics in the entertainment industry and how celebrities use their platforms to promote their work. The backlash against Lively’s behavior during the movie’s promotion has raised questions about her professionalism and sensitivity to important social issues. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Lively and Reynolds will address the criticisms and whether they will make amends for their actions.

Overall, the backlash against Lively and Reynolds for their promotion of “It Ends With Us” has highlighted the challenges celebrities face when promoting sensitive topics and the need for them to approach such issues with care and respect. The controversy surrounding the movie and the couple’s behavior has sparked debates about accountability in the entertainment industry and how celebrities should use their platform to promote important messages. As the public continues to discuss the situation, it serves as a reminder of the responsibilities and challenges that come with being in the spotlight.

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