Gabriel Attal, leader of the group Ensemble pour la République, expressed the need to be demanding towards the future government led by Michel Barnier. He emphasized the importance of not compromising their values and defending their ideas with strength. The Macronist deputies, who are meeting with Barnier, are expecting strong commitments from the Prime Minister regarding their program and values. They also hope that Barnier will include individuals from various political backgrounds in his government, including the right, center, and left.

Attal asserted that they have the right to be demanding and that no majority can be formed or vote won without their involvement. This balanced position reflects the discomfort felt by some deputies, such as Ludovic Mendes who questioned whether they are part of the majority or opposition. Some feel that Barnier is leaning towards the right and far-right in his choices, and it is essential that the government includes individuals from the center to proportionately represent their presence in the Assembly.

During the meeting, Gérald Darmanin, the former Minister of the Interior, suggested that Macronist ministers could collectively resign if certain “red lines” were crossed. The newly appointed Vice President of the National Assembly, Roland Lescure, also raised concerns about potential incompatibilities with individuals that Barnier may choose for his team, likely referring to members of the right-wing party Les Républicains. These discussions highlight the tensions within the Macronist camp regarding the upcoming government formation.

The Macronist deputies are standing firm in their demands for the incorporation of their values and program into the government led by Michel Barnier. They are determined to ensure that their voices are heard and that their concerns are taken into account in the decision-making process. The proposed inclusion of individuals from various political backgrounds is seen as essential to creating a balanced and representative government that reflects the diversity of perspectives within the Assembly.

Overall, Gabriel Attal and the Macronist deputies are asserting their right to be demanding and to actively participate in shaping the future government. They are ready to defend their values and ideas with vigor and are prepared to take a stand if their expectations are not met. Their insistence on inclusivity and balance in the government formation process underscores their commitment to promoting a diverse and representative political landscape in France.

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