When Adele shared a photo of her dramatic weight loss in 2020, fans were concerned about the methods she used to achieve her appearance. However, Adele has been open about her weight loss journey and how it was a two-year process rather than an overnight transformation. She emphasized that she did it for herself and not for anyone else, which is why she chose not to document every step of the way on social media. Adele shared that working out regularly was more about improving her mental health and managing anxiety rather than solely losing weight.

Adele divided her workouts into separate routines throughout the day, including weightlifting, hiking, boxing, and cardio. She admitted to becoming addicted to working out and credited it with helping her cope with ongoing back pain that she had experienced for years. Adele also fell in love with strength training, which not only helped her physically but also mentally. Her trainer, Gregg Miele, explained that the main goal of the strength training was to get Adele stronger both physically and mentally, and she became very dedicated to double workout sessions.

Despite her significant weight loss, Adele did not follow a specific diet or intermittent fasting to achieve her results. She actually consumed more food than she used to because of her intense workout regimen. Adele highlighted that her happiness didn’t come from her weight loss but from the dedication she put into her mental health with therapy and self-care practices. She dismissed the idea that weight loss equates to happiness, emphasizing the importance of taking care of one’s emotional well-being.

Adele admitted that she gives in to her fast food cravings occasionally and even revealed her favorite McDonald’s meal that she enjoys once a week. She also addressed the criticism and objectification of her body throughout her career, stating that she has developed thick skin and self-confidence to brush off the opinions of others. Adele recognized that not everyone has the same opportunities to work with trainers or dedicate as much time and effort to their fitness journey, acknowledging her privilege in being able to do so.

Overall, Adele’s weight loss journey was not about conforming to societal standards or pleasing others but about taking care of her mental and physical well-being. She prioritized her mental health, found joy in strength training, and appreciated the benefits of regular exercise for managing anxiety and back pain. Adele’s openness about her journey serves as a reminder that self-care and self-love are at the core of any transformation, regardless of external appearances or opinions.

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