Due to the success of Amazon’s new Fallout show and increased sales, Fallout 4 is experiencing a resurgence in interest, with the highest number of players on Steam since its launch in 2015. The game, which used to have 24,000 players a night, now has 160,000 concurrent players and is steadily rising, possibly surpassing other popular games like Helldivers 2. Fallout 4 has already surpassed games like Rust, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six Siege, and is close to GTA 5 in player numbers.

Other Fallout games are also experiencing increased player numbers after the release of the Fallout show and subsequent sales. For example, Fallout 76 has surpassed its launch numbers on Steam, indicating that the game has evolved beyond its initial reception. While some fans are concerned that new players are starting with “inferior” Fallout by playing Fallout 4 first, the overall sentiment is that the game is still enjoyable and worth playing.

The success of Fallout 4 and other Fallout games raises questions about the future of the franchise. Bethesda may not release Fallout 5 for another 7-10 years due to their focus on other projects like Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6. However, as Microsoft is now the owner of the Fallout franchise, they may need to consider how to maintain the enthusiasm for the series during this gap between releases. It is unclear whether the surge in player numbers is a temporary boost or a sign of increased long-term investment in the games.

With Fallout being renewed for a second season, fans may need to rely on the TV series to hold them over until the next game is released. It is unclear what other content Bethesda or Microsoft may release in the meantime, but it is possible that more updates for Fallout 76 could be on the horizon. Overall, the resurgence of interest in the Fallout franchise indicates that there is still a loyal fan base that is eager for new content and experiences within the world of Fallout.

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