Ankara residents planning to spend the Eid holiday in their hometowns or other cities have caused crowded conditions at AŞTİ. The holiday rush continues at the terminal, with bus companies adding extra trips to meet the demand.

As the passenger density increased at AŞTİ, security measures have been increased to ensure that citizens can make a comfortable and peaceful journey before the holiday. Bus company official Sinan Erdem stated that there is a rush due to the holiday, and despite adding extra buses, the trips are filling up. Erdem added, “There is particularly high demand for trips to Bodrum, the Aegean region, Istanbul, and Kastamonu.”

The increase in demand for intercity travel during the holiday has led to congestion at AŞTİ, the main bus terminal in Ankara. As a result, bus companies have had to introduce additional services to accommodate the surge in passengers and ensure smooth travel experiences for those heading to their destinations.

In response to the high influx of travelers, security measures have been heightened at AŞTİ to maintain order and ensure the safety of passengers during the holiday period. The aim is to provide a stress-free and secure environment for all those embarking on their journeys, allowing them to reach their destinations safely and without any disruptions.

Despite the challenges posed by the holiday rush, bus companies have been working hard to manage the increased demand and ensure that all travelers are able to reach their destinations efficiently. With additional trips being added to popular routes, such as those to Bodrum, the Aegean region, Istanbul, and Kastamonu, passengers have been able to secure seats and make their way to their chosen locations without significant delays.

As the holiday period continues and more people make their way to AŞTİ to embark on their journeys, bus companies will remain vigilant in their efforts to provide a seamless travel experience for all passengers. By adapting to the increased demand and implementing necessary security measures, they aim to ensure that everyone can enjoy a safe and comfortable trip during the Eid holiday.

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