In Tepeköy, Caberfakılı, Işıklar, Killik, Gümüşçay, Caberkamara, Ilgınköy, Çakırcaali, and Sobran neighborhoods, heavy rain and hail occurred in the evening hours. The rain caused damage to grape vineyards and cultivated land in the region. In Ilgınköy neighborhood, the minaret of a mosque was blown off due to the storm. Alaşehir Chamber of Agriculture President Özer Demir stated to the press that the hailstorm, which lasted about 10 minutes, had a negative impact on the vineyards.

Demir explained that they have started work on assessing the damage in the cultivated areas. “Based on our initial assessments, we estimate that the damage ranges from 60 to 100 percent. There was already a decline in yields. The disaster has further negatively affected our farmers. We are hoping for support from the government for our farmers, and even considering declaring a disaster zone. Our work will continue,” he said.

The agricultural sector in the affected areas is likely to face significant losses due to the damage caused by the hailstorm. Farmers are now calling on the government for assistance and support to help them recover from the impact of the natural disaster. The damage to the grape vineyards and cultivated land will also have economic repercussions on the region as a whole.

The storm not only caused damage to crops but also resulted in structural damage, such as the minaret of a mosque being blown off in Ilgınköy neighborhood. This highlights the destructive power of natural disasters and the importance of preparedness and response measures to mitigate their effects. The local authorities and agricultural organizations are working together to assess the full extent of the damage and plan for recovery efforts.

Farmers in the region are concerned about the impact of the hailstorm on their livelihoods and are seeking government assistance to help them overcome the challenges they are facing. They are also calling for the affected areas to be declared as disaster zones to access additional support and resources. The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in the economy of the region, and it is essential to provide the necessary support to ensure its recovery and sustainability in the aftermath of the natural disaster.

The Chamber of Agriculture in Alaşehir is actively involved in assessing the damage and working with the government to provide support to the farmers in the affected areas. The chamber is also advocating for the declaration of the affected areas as disaster zones to facilitate access to additional resources and assistance. The recovery efforts in the region will require a coordinated approach from all stakeholders to ensure the prompt and effective restoration of the agricultural sector.

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