A fire broke out in a two-story house located in the Kozluk neighborhood of Kocaali district. The fire was caused by a 70-year-old man named Hilmi A. who turned on an electric blanket to keep warm. The electric blanket caught fire shortly after being turned on.

Hilmi A. quickly left the house and informed the authorities about the situation. Upon receiving the report, a large number of fire brigade teams were dispatched to the scene. The firefighters arrived at the address and managed to bring the flames under control by tackling the fire engulfing the house.

An investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the fire. It is not yet clear if there were any injuries or casualties as a result of the incident. The authorities are looking into the circumstances that led to the fire and will take appropriate measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. The residents of the neighborhood are urged to be cautious when using electrical appliances to avoid accidents like this.

Fires caused by electrical blankets are not uncommon during the winter months, as people often use them to keep warm. It is important to follow the safety guidelines provided by manufacturers when using electric blankets and other heating devices. Authorities recommend checking the condition of electrical appliances regularly to prevent any potential hazards. In case of an emergency, people are advised to evacuate the premises immediately and contact the relevant authorities for assistance.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of fire safety measures in homes and buildings. It is crucial for individuals to be vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent fires, especially during the colder months when the use of heating devices is common. The authorities are working to raise awareness about fire safety and educate the public on how to prevent such incidents in the future. Residents are encouraged to participate in fire safety training programs and practice fire drills to be prepared in case of emergencies.

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