Ibrahim Harmanci, who lives in Gumushane, accidentally got adhesive in his left eye while trying to fix an item at home. After the incident, Harmanci went to the emergency room and then travelled to Trabzon for an examination. At a private center in the city, a minor injury was found on the cornea surface of Harmanci. With the treatment he received, Ibrahim Harmanci regained his health.

Ophthalmologist Dr. Ozlem Akcay stated that they encounter such injuries very often. She explained that Harmanci’s eye was splashed with adhesive while working on something at home, causing a burning sensation and blurry vision. Akcay emphasized the importance of washing the eye with plenty of water as soon as possible in such situations, and advised seeking medical help immediately.

Dr. Akcay mentioned that injuries caused by paint and lime on the eye can lead to serious consequences, sometimes even requiring corneal transplants. She stressed the significance of consulting an eye doctor in case of injuries, as they can quickly assess the situation and provide appropriate treatment. By detecting and treating the injuries promptly, severe complications can be avoided.

According to Dr. Akcay, Harmanci had a minor damage on his cornea that was successfully treated. She warned about the risks of trying to remove foreign objects from the eye at home, as it can lead to infections and worsen the damage. Dr. Akcay advised against attempting any interventions without professional guidance, emphasizing the importance of seeking immediate medical attention in case of eye injuries.

Ibrahim Harmanci expressed his gratitude towards the doctor who treated him, stating that he initially panicked when the adhesive splashed into his eye. He emphasized the importance of following the doctor’s advice to wash the eye with water immediately and seek medical help. Despite experiencing temporary vision impairment, Harmanci’s sight returned to normal after receiving proper treatment and care at the medical facility in Trabzon. He highlighted the relief he felt as his vision improved, reflecting on the initial fear and panic he experienced during the accident.

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