A celebration in Arnavutköy turned chaotic as fans of an amateur football team attempted to set off fireworks and flares in honor of the fan group’s anniversary. The police warned the fans to disperse as they marched through the streets, trying to prevent any potential danger that could arise from the use of fireworks.
During the celebrations, some of the fireworks and flares were shot into the air and ended up landing on the roofs of some houses and in wooded areas, causing a fire to break out. Five people were subsequently arrested by the police as they intervened to control the situation.
The burning roofs and wooded areas were quickly extinguished by firefighters before the fire could spread any further, preventing any major damage from occurring as a result of the incident.
In response to the incident, Arnavutköy District Governor Mahmut Hersanlıoğlu took to social media to issue a statement, warning the public about the dangers of setting off fireworks and flares that could potentially trigger forest fires. He emphasized the importance of being cautious and avoiding such activities to prevent any uncontrollable consequences.
Authorities and officials are working to raise awareness about the risks associated with lighting fireworks in crowded areas or near flammable materials. Events like this highlight the need for caution and responsible behavior during celebrations to prevent accidents and protect the community from the threat of fires and other dangers.
Community members are urged to take the necessary precautions and avoid engaging in activities that could put themselves and others at risk. It is important to follow safety guidelines and laws regarding the use of fireworks to ensure the well-being and safety of everyone in the community. It is hoped that incidents like this will serve as a reminder of the potential dangers of reckless behavior and the importance of staying vigilant to prevent future accidents.

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