Constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe expressed his astonishment at the newly-unsealed court filing from special counsel Jack Smith’s office, which contains evidence of Donald Trump’s alleged attempts to overturn his 2020 election loss. Tribe described having multiple “wow” moments while reading the document and highlighted Trump’s shocking statements, including his response to Pence being rushed from the Senate during the Capitol riot and his comment to relatives about fighting like hell regardless of winning or losing the election. Tribe emphasized that these revelations are just a fraction of a much larger and frightening picture.

In an interview with Erin Burnett on CNN, Tribe remarked on the numerous jaw-dropping details in the filing, indicating that there are likely even more astonishing revelations awaiting discovery. He specifically pointed out Trump’s nonchalant reaction to Pence’s situation during the Capitol riot as well as his concerning message about the necessity of fighting vigorously, regardless of election outcomes. Tribe characterized the contents of the filing as the tip of a terrifying iceberg, suggesting that there is a substantial amount of alarming information yet to be exposed.

Tribe underscored the significance of the evidence presented in the filing, describing it as a mountain of proof that is both substantial and overwhelming. He expressed his confidence in special counsel Jack Smith’s ability to substantiate his claims, noting that Smith possesses concrete evidence to support his findings. Tribe’s assessment of the filing indicates that it contains a wealth of incriminating information about Trump’s actions and intentions surrounding the 2020 election, adding to the existing body of evidence that has raised concerns about potential wrongdoing on Trump’s part.

The revelations contained in the court filing shed light on Trump’s alleged efforts to undermine the electoral process and overturn the results of the 2020 election. Trump’s responses to key events, such as Pence’s evacuation from the Senate during the Capitol riot, reveal a disturbing lack of concern for the rule of law and democratic principles. Additionally, his comments to relatives about the need to fight regardless of election outcomes suggest a willingness to disregard the legitimacy of the electoral process in pursuit of his own objectives. These revelations underscore the serious nature of the allegations against Trump and raise questions about the extent of his involvement in attempts to subvert the democratic process.

The court filing referenced by Tribe represents a significant development in the ongoing investigation into Trump’s conduct surrounding the 2020 election. The evidence presented in the filing, as highlighted by Tribe, paints a troubling picture of Trump’s actions and attitudes during this critical period. Special counsel Jack Smith’s findings, according to Tribe, provide a solid foundation for the allegations against Trump, indicating that there is substantial evidence to support claims of wrongdoing. The contents of the filing underscore the importance of a thorough investigation into Trump’s conduct and the need for accountability for any potential violations of the law.

Overall, Tribe’s assessment of the court filing from special counsel Jack Smith’s office underscores the gravity of the allegations against Trump and the need for a thorough examination of his actions surrounding the 2020 election. The evidence presented in the filing, as described by Tribe, reveals a disturbing pattern of behavior on Trump’s part that raises serious concerns about his commitment to democratic norms and the rule of law. As the investigation progresses, it will be crucial to uncover the full extent of Trump’s involvement in efforts to undermine the electoral process and hold him accountable for any wrongdoing that is revealed.

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