Since stepping back as working members of the royal family, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry no longer have to follow the strict rule regarding gifts, as they are now private individuals living in LA. When they were part of the royal family, they had to return £7m worth of wedding gifts due to royal protocol dictating that no gifts should compromise the royals or appear as advertising. However, during their recent visit to Nigeria, they were given traditional Nigerian clothing and personal portraits, which they are now free to keep.

Despite requests for donations instead of wedding presents, Meghan and Harry were inundated with gifts from the public on their wedding day in May 2018, which they were unable to keep due to safety reasons and the need to adhere to royal protocol. Companies also sent them gifts, all of which had to be returned, totaling £7m worth of items. This is because accepting gifts could be interpreted as placing the royals under obligation or endorsing a company’s product. Now that they are private individuals without public funding, this rule no longer applies to Meghan and Harry.

During their time in Nigeria, Meghan and Harry were recipients of gifts that they are now entitled to keep, including traditional clothing and personal portraits. They expressed their gratitude for the warm reception and thoughtful gifts they received during their visit, which they found to be unforgettable. As private individuals, they no longer have to adhere to royal protocol regarding gifts, allowing them to accept and cherish gifts from their travels without having to return them.

The couple’s charity was recently criticized as ‘delinquent’ in a legal letter. Despite this, Meghan and Harry continue to work towards financial independence since stepping back from their royal duties in 2020. They no longer receive taxpayer funding or represent the crown in an official capacity, which means they are no longer bound by the strict rules that once applied to them as members of the royal family. They are now free to receive gifts and donations without the constraints they once faced.

The change in Meghan and Harry’s status as working members of the royal family has given them more freedom and independence in various aspects of their lives, including receiving gifts. While royal protocol required them to return certain gifts and refrain from accepting others during their time as royals, they are now able to accept gifts without restriction as private individuals. This change has allowed them to experience different cultures, such as in Nigeria, without the constraints they used to face as members of the monarchy.

Overall, Meghan and Harry’s decision to step back as working members of the royal family has had a significant impact on their lives, including how they can receive gifts. As private individuals, they no longer have to adhere to strict royal protocols regarding gifts, enabling them to accept presents without any restrictions. This newfound freedom has allowed them to fully embrace their roles as private citizens while still engaging with and appreciating the generosity of others, both from the public and during their international travels.

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