Kansas City Chiefs kicker, Harrison Butker, defended the controversial commencement speech he gave at Benedictine College during the Regina Caeli Academy Courage Under Fire Gala. He emphasized how Catholic values are under attack and expressed that even those who disagreed with his viewpoints supported his freedom of religion. Despite facing criticism both on and off the field in his seven years in the NFL, Butker has chosen to stand by his Catholic faith, stating that he embraces the polarization that comes with discussing his beliefs.

Encouraging attendees at the gala to proudly share their Catholic beliefs and be strong witnesses for Christ, Butker emphasized the importance of glorifying God and not seeking personal recognition. He hopes that his recent speech and the evening’s theme of “Courage Under Fire” will inspire others to be unapologetic about their Catholic faith and stand up for truth, even when facing opposition. Butker’s unwavering commitment to his beliefs has garnered support from some, while also drawing criticism from various groups.

The backlash against Butker’s commencement speech stemmed from his comments encouraging women to prioritize marriage, motherhood, and homemaking over career success, as well as his characterization of Pride Month and certain medical practices as sinful. Organizations like GLAAD and the NFL spoke out against Butker’s speech, deeming it out of touch and calling for more understanding and acceptance. Despite the negative response from some groups, Butker found support from teammates like Patrick Mahomes, who described him as a caring individual who seeks to make a positive impact in society.

In the face of controversy, Butker remains steadfast in his beliefs, unapologetically sharing his Catholic faith and encouraging others to do the same. He acknowledges the polarizing effect of discussing his beliefs but sees it as an opportunity to trust in divine providence and let the Holy Ghost work. By expressing his convictions and standing up for truth, even when unpopular, Butker hopes to embolden others to proudly display their faith and not shy away from speaking out against the prevailing voices in society. Ultimately, his goal is to be a strong witness for Christ and inspire others to do the same in their lives.

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