Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign is responding to criticism from former President Donald Trump regarding the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan by highlighting Trump’s deal with the Taliban in 2020, which created a deadline for withdrawal without proper plans in place. Harris’ campaign argues that Trump’s actions put troops in harm’s way and ultimately led to the collapse of the Afghan government. They point to Trump’s canceled meeting with Taliban leaders at Camp David in 2019 and subsequent agreement with the Taliban in 2020 as contributing factors to the crisis in Afghanistan.

The attack at the Kabul airport on August 26, 2021, occurred during President Biden’s effort to evacuate American soldiers and Afghans from Afghanistan, as part of his goal to end the long-running war. Biden extended the withdrawal deadline set by Trump to avoid further military escalation, despite criticizing the deal as a “surrender agreement” with the Taliban. House Republicans are currently investigating the Biden administration’s withdrawal, which a majority of respondents in a CBS News poll viewed as being handled poorly and contributing to a decline in Biden’s approval rating. Trump has criticized Biden and Harris for the withdrawal, calling for the resignation of administration officials involved in the decision.

Harris, who had previously supported a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and an end to the war, reaffirmed her support for Biden’s decision to end the war following the attack at the Kabul airport. She emphasized the importance of evacuating American citizens and Afghans working with the U.S. amid the chaotic withdrawal in August 2021. As the controversy surrounding the withdrawal continues, Harris has called for a robust analysis of what happened and has stated that there will be lessons learned from the situation. Throughout the ordeal, Harris has stood by Biden’s decision to end the war, despite the challenges and criticism it has brought.

The Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a subject of scrutiny and criticism by both Republicans and Democrats, with Trump highlighting his deal with the Taliban as a factor in the chaotic withdrawal. The failure to properly plan for the withdrawal has led to numerous casualties, including the deaths of 13 U.S. service members in the Abbey Gate suicide bombing attack in Kabul. The political fallout from the withdrawal, including calls for resignations of administration officials, has further intensified the debate over the handling of the situation. As the Biden administration faces continued scrutiny over its decisions in Afghanistan, the fallout from the withdrawal continues to be a prominent issue in both domestic and international discussions.

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