Vice President Kamala Harris addressed border security, a strong issue for Donald Trump, promising to take a tougher stance on illegal border crossings and accusing Trump of sabotaging legislation aimed at solving the problem. She emphasized the need to set rules at the border and enforce them while increasing penalties on repeat offenders. Harris highlighted the impact of fentanyl on Americans and her previous experience prosecuting smuggling gangs as California’s attorney general. She criticized Trump for not reforming the immigration system during his presidency and pledged to prioritize providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children.

Despite facing a gap in the polls on the issue of illegal immigration, Harris managed to close the divide by blaming Trump for obstructing a bill that would have enhanced border security measures. Trump successfully convinced Republican allies to halt the legislation earlier this year, not wanting the bill to pass during his reelection campaign. Senator James Lankford confirmed Trump’s personal lobbying to stop the bill, acknowledging that the former president wanted to keep the immigration issue alive for his campaign. Since becoming the Democratic nominee after Biden’s exit, Harris has faced Trump’s criticism of her role as the “border czar” but has clarified that her focus is on addressing migration root causes rather than solely securing the border.

Harris’s effective communication skills in contrast to Biden were demonstrated during a presidential debate where she shifted the focus of an immigration question to Trump, accusing him of blocking the border bill for campaign purposes. Trump’s failure to deliver on his promise to have Mexico pay for a border wall was highlighted, with him instead diverting military funding to construct a barrier that was largely a replacement for existing fencing. By the end of his term, only 52 new miles of fence had been built in areas without previous barriers, with additional steel fencing installed in place of older structures. Harris’s visit to the Mexico border and commitment to improving the immigration system place her in a position to address key concerns and make changes to border security policies.

Harris’s stance on border security and immigration reform sets her apart from Trump, emphasizing the need to enforce rules at the border and provide pathways to citizenship for certain undocumented immigrants. Her approach seeks to address the root causes of migration and prioritize enhancing border security measures. By highlighting her experience with prosecuting smuggling gangs and advocating for stronger penalties on repeat offenders, Harris aims to tackle the challenges associated with illegal immigration. In response to Trump’s accusations, Harris has clarified her role and priorities as the Democratic nominee, positioning herself as a candidate focused on effective policy solutions and comprehensive immigration reform.

Despite initial polling gaps on the issue of illegal immigration, Harris has made progress in addressing concerns around border security and immigration reform. Her criticism of Trump’s actions during his presidency and commitment to enacting policy changes reflect a proactive approach to resolving complex immigration issues. By advocating for a path to citizenship for certain undocumented immigrants and emphasizing the importance of enforcing rules at the border, Harris aims to shift the narrative around border security in the upcoming presidential election. Through her communication skills and policy proposals, Harris presents herself as a candidate focused on addressing the root causes of migration and implementing practical solutions to enhance border security measures.

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