As the November election draws closer, both the Harris and Trump campaigns are pushing for momentum in the final stretch leading up to election day. Vice President Harris recently delivered a well-received speech at the Democratic National Convention, and she is looking to capitalize on that momentum to secure support for her campaign. Meanwhile, President Trump’s campaign is also gearing up for the final stretch, with both campaigns hoping to make significant strides in the next 71 days.

CBS News’ Robert Costa reports from Washington on the latest developments from both campaigns. The Harris campaign is focused on continuing to build momentum following the positive reception of the Vice President’s speech at the DNC. They are working to energize their base and attract swing voters in key states as they prepare for the final stretch of the campaign. The Trump campaign, on the other hand, is also ramping up their efforts in the lead-up to election day, as they aim to secure a second term for the President.

With 71 days left until the election, both campaigns are in high gear as they seek to make gains and solidify their positions. The Harris campaign is looking to capitalize on the positive response to the Vice President’s DNC speech, while the Trump campaign is working to mobilize their base and reach out to undecided voters. The final stretch of the campaign will be crucial for both candidates as they seek to secure support from voters and make their case for the presidency.

The Harris campaign is focusing on building momentum in the final stretch of the campaign, with the Vice President playing a key role in energizing supporters and attracting new voters. They are working to highlight their policy priorities and contrast them with those of the Trump administration to appeal to voters across the political spectrum. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is also working to make the case for a second term for the President, emphasizing his record and accomplishments while targeting key swing states.

With both campaigns pushing for momentum in the final 71 days before the election, the race for the presidency is heating up. Vice President Harris and President Trump are both working tirelessly to secure support and make their case to voters as they seek to win the election. The final stretch of the campaign will be crucial for both candidates, as they look to gain ground and solidify their positions in the lead-up to election day. The coming weeks will be pivotal as the candidates make their final pitches to the American electorate to secure victory in November.

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