The Hannover police are investigating whether the same group may be behind two recent incidents: first, a man was attacked by youths apparently for having a right-wing radical appearance, and later, election posters from the SPD and Greens were torn down. A group of youths in Hannover allegedly attacked a man with pepper spray and tore down election posters later on. The incident is said to be linked to the right-wing scene, according to a police spokesperson. One of the suspects is already known to the police for political crimes. On Tuesday evening, investigators reportedly apprehended four 16 and 17-year-old boys after they were believed to have torn down two SPD and one Green election posters. They may also be involved in a prior incident in the city center.

Following a dispute with a group of seven to eight people clad in combat boots, bomber jackets, and camouflage pants, a 25-year-old was attacked with pepper spray in Hannover. The group reportedly expressed right-wing views. The 25-year-old had allegedly confronted them about their right-wing appearance, according to the police spokesperson. The group then attacked him, with one youth using pepper spray. The man was hit in the face and suffered minor injuries. The 25-year-old does not have an immigrant background, the spokesperson stated. “There is no xenophobic motive.” The police are investigating whether the same perpetrators were involved in both incidents. “In addition to the four arrested suspects, a fifth suspect has been identified in the meantime,” the spokesperson said. Another individual voluntarily came forward to the police, and one of them is female.

The police are investigating potential connections between the attack on the man and the tearing down of the election posters. The incident of the man being attacked and the tearing down of the election posters are likely related, as the group involved in both instances exhibited similar behavior. The police are treating both incidents as linked and are working to identify all suspects involved. The use of pepper spray and the tearing down of election posters are concerning acts of violence, especially if they are motivated by right-wing extremism. The police are taking these incidents seriously and are working to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

The identification and arrest of the suspects involved in both incidents are a priority for the Hannover police. It is crucial to address and combat any acts of violence or vandalism motivated by political beliefs, especially those rooted in right-wing extremism. The safety and security of all individuals in Hannover must be ensured, and the police are taking proactive measures to prevent any further incidents of this nature. The community in Hannover must come together to condemn such acts of violence and vandalism and work towards promoting tolerance and understanding among all residents. The police are urging anyone with information about the incidents to come forward and assist in the investigation to bring those responsible to justice.

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