The German government has condemned an attack on the Turkish Consulate in Hannover, with the State Security investigating the incident. Multiple attackers threw stones and hit windows with iron rods, though the motives behind the attack are unclear. The Turkish Foreign Ministry has blamed supporters of the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) for the violence.

Following the attack on the Turkish Consulate in Hannover, the State Security is conducting investigations. Several perpetrators damaged windows of the building by throwing stones and hitting them with iron rods. Approximately 20 people were involved in the attack and fled the scene upon the arrival of the police. Two individuals were briefly detained and their personal information was recorded.

The motive and background of the attack were initially unknown. Prior to the incident, there was a demonstration in the city center of Hannover titled “Against the attacks of National Turks in Belgium,” which attracted up to 450 participants. The demonstration resulted in criminal behavior, such as illegal chants and the display of banned symbols. The gathering was eventually dispersed after two hours, leading to nine criminal proceedings being initiated.

The German government strongly condemned the attack, emphasizing that violence has no place in society. The Foreign Ministry spokesperson expressed solidarity with the Turkish side and called for the rapid identification and prosecution of the perpetrators. The Turkish Foreign Ministry attributed the attack to supporters of the PKK, reminding German authorities of their responsibility for the safety of citizens and diplomatic institutions.

However, the German Foreign Ministry and Ministry of the Interior in Berlin stated that they had no information on the perpetrators and deferred to ongoing investigations. The incident highlights tensions between different groups within the community and the need for swift justice to ensure the safety and integrity of diplomatic missions. Further developments are expected as authorities continue to investigate the attack on the Turkish Consulate in Hannover.

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