Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a convicted murderer who gained fame on social media, shared a recipe for a “prison-style energy drink” that she and her fellow inmates created while serving time. The beverage is described as a homemade version of Red Bull since actual Red Bull was not available in prison. In a TikTok video, Blanchard listed the ingredients needed to make the fizzy drink, including Jolly Ranchers, Kool-Aid singles, strawberry Fanta, and Folgers instant coffee.

Blanchard clarified in the video that the drink does not contain any alcohol, making it suitable for teetotalers. She explained the process of making the drink, starting with crushing the Jolly Ranchers and then mixing instant coffee with water in a mixing bowl. She added Kool-Aid and strawberry Fanta for flavor, warning viewers that the mixture may foam up. Blanchard recommended serving the drink over ice for the best taste.

The beverage, known as “the rack” in prison, became popular among inmates at Blanchard’s facility for providing an energy boost while in confinement. Blanchard shared a humorous anecdote about her roommate’s reaction to seeing her cleaning walls with a toothbrush, associating the drink with her cleaning spree. A glossary of prison jargon defines a “rack” as a caffeinated drink mixed with a large amount of sugar.

Despite no longer being incarcerated, Blanchard revealed that she still enjoys the homemade energy drink and encouraged her followers to try it if they dare. She suggested using Red Bull instead of Fanta for a more intense flavor. The video gained widespread attention, amassing over 27 million views on TikTok, indicating significant interest in Blanchard’s prison recipe and story. Blanchard’s unexpected popularity on social media as an influencer sharing unique experiences from her time in prison has captured the attention of many.

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