Khloe Kardashian recently shared a heartfelt message on Instagram to her personal trainer, Gunnar Peterson, after he revealed that his four-year-old daughter, Monroe, has been diagnosed with AML leukemia. Gunnar posted photos of Monroe in the hospital and explained that she needs chemotherapy and a bone marrow biopsy. Khloe described Monroe as a warrior and expressed her love and support for Gunnar and his family during this difficult time.

Gunnar shared the devastating news on Instagram, detailing the symptoms that led to Monroe’s diagnosis of AML leukemia. He urged his followers to keep Monroe in their hearts as she undergoes treatment. Khloe commented on Gunnar’s post, expressing her sorrow for his family and offering her assistance in any way she can. Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner also commented on the post, sending their love and prayers to Gunnar and Monroe during this challenging time.

In his Instagram post, Gunnar shared a photo of himself lying beside Monroe in her hospital bed and discussed the series of medical procedures and treatments that Monroe will need to undergo. He described Monroe as a “Warrior Princess” who will overcome this battle with cancer. Many of Gunnar’s famous clients, including Kim Kardashian and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, expressed their support for Gunnar and his family, sending prayers and positive thoughts for Monroe’s recovery.

Famous faces and clients of Gunnar’s, such as Kim Kardashian and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, commented on the post, offering their love and support for Gunnar and Monroe. Kris Jenner also expressed her prayers for Monroe’s recovery, and basketball player Quinn Cook and reality star Savannah Chrisley sent messages of encouragement to the family during this difficult time. The outpouring of support from the celebrity community demonstrates the love and empathy for those going through challenging times.

Gunnar revealed that Monroe’s symptoms started with a nagging cough, an on-off fever, and bruising on her legs, leading to the diagnosis of AML leukemia. He described the medical procedures and treatments that Monroe will need, including chemotherapy and a bone marrow biopsy. Gunnar expressed his gratitude for the support and prayers from his family, friends, and followers, and asked for continued thoughts and prayers as they navigate this challenging journey with Monroe.

As Monroe begins her treatment for AML leukemia, the support and love from her family, friends, and followers are crucial for her recovery. Gunnar’s heartfelt message on Instagram has brought awareness to Monroe’s battle with cancer and has garnered an outpouring of love and support from the celebrity community. Khloe Kardashian and other famous faces have expressed their prayers and positive thoughts for Monroe’s recovery, demonstrating the power of love and empathy during difficult times.

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