A Scottish soccer fan booked a hotel through Booking.com only to find out that the mattresses were made of cardboard upon arrival. The user, RoryB96, took to social media to describe the situation, which they had booked over the weekend while watching a soccer game in Germany. The fanatics spent three hours trying to secure a new hotel with the help of Booking.com, eventually getting the reservation firm to agree to pay for a new rental. However, the new place turned out to be just as bad, with hospital beds and industrial equipment scattered around the entrance, making it seem like something out of a horror movie.

The new location was full of exposed chemicals, cables, and pipes, as well as an axe that added to the eerie atmosphere of the place. Feeling unsafe, Rory tried to book another place through Booking.com, but was told that they would have to pay for a new place and invoice the company. This would have put a strain on the group’s finances, as they had already spent over £2000 on accommodations for the trip. Despite booking a hotel for one night without the help of Booking.com, the group could not afford to stay longer without assistance from the booking site.

In a final update, Rory mentioned that they were able to book a place for several days without the help of Booking.com. However, they did not specify the locations of either of the problematic accommodations. The user expressed frustration at the lack of assistance from the booking site and the stress it caused during what should have been a fun trip to watch a soccer game. The experience serves as a cautionary tale for travelers to always check reviews and confirm details before booking accommodations to avoid similar situations.

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