A Las Vegas hotel guest named Lavell Jackson had a frightening encounter when he claimed that housekeeping at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas used his toothbrush to clean his room. Jackson, who is an investor and realtor, posted a video to TikTok detailing the incident, which has since gained over 133,000 views. In the video, he expressed shock and dismay at the situation, stating that the hotel offered him only a $50 credit and a new toothbrush as compensation. Jackson was at the hotel for a convention at the time of the incident.

In the video, Jackson said that he will no longer be leaving his toothbrush out in hotel rooms after what happened at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas. He called out the hotel for using his toothbrush to clean surfaces in his room and criticized their response. Jackson expressed his disbelief at the situation and urged companies to do better in terms of cleanliness and customer service. The incident has sparked outrage among viewers, many of whom shared Jackson’s disgust and stated that they also never leave their toothbrushes out in hotels for fear of contamination.

Following the incident, Jackson attempted to reach out to the hotel for comment, but was unable to get a response. The hotel, which is owned by MGM Resorts International, has yet to address the situation publicly. Commenters on Jackson’s video questioned how he knew his toothbrush was used for cleaning, to which he explained that he could tell by the condition of the toothbrush and because he had just used it the day before. Some viewers suggested reporting the incident to the health department, while others advised against using cleaning services during hotel stays to avoid similar situations.

The incident highlights the importance of maintaining cleanliness standards in hotels and ensuring that guests’ personal belongings are not misused. The lackluster response from Mandalay Bay Las Vegas to Jackson’s complaint is concerning, especially given the severity of the situation. The video serves as a cautionary tale for travelers to always be cautious with their personal items while staying in hotels and to take measures to protect their belongings from potential contamination. Jackson’s experience has sparked a conversation about hotel cleanliness practices and the need for greater accountability in the hospitality industry to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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