Qatar and Saudi Arabia have joined a chorus of nations condemning a proposed Israeli bill that seeks to label UNRWA, the main provider of aid for Palestinians in Gaza, as a terrorist group. The bill, which passed a preliminary vote in the Israeli parliament, is a result of rising tensions between Israel and the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees. Israel has accused the agency of having links to militants and claims that some of its employees are members of militant groups, including those allegedly involved in attacks on southern Israel. This has led to a freeze in funding by many donors to UNRWA, during a time when Gaza is facing a humanitarian crisis.

The bill aims to brand UNRWA as a terrorist organization and calls for cutting diplomatic ties between Israel and the agency. It passed the first vote in parliament with a significant majority and must go through further legislative processes before becoming law. UNRWA’s director of communications, Juliette Touma, has criticized the bill as part of Israel’s systematic campaign to dismantle the agency, which she argues puts the lives of its staff at risk. As UNRWA operates in various Palestinian territories and relies on Israeli crossings for aid delivery into Gaza, the bill could potentially impact its operations.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia have condemned the proposed Israeli legislation, with both countries expressing support for UNRWA’s humanitarian work in Gaza. Qatar’s Foreign Ministry stated that the attempt to label UNRWA as a terrorist organization is part of a broader campaign to dismantle the agency at a critical time when its services are needed in Gaza. Saudi Arabia also emphasized the importance of international law and humanitarian principles, urging Israel to stop obstructing the work of international organizations. The European Union, a major donor to UNRWA, has also denounced the move and highlighted the agency’s crucial role in addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Israel has been vocal in its criticism of UNRWA, accusing the agency of cooperating with Hamas and perpetuating the longstanding Palestinian refugee crisis. UNRWA denies these allegations and maintains that it upholds U.N. standards of neutrality. The Israeli government has accused Hamas of misusing aid and U.N. facilities for military purposes. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has further exacerbated the humanitarian situation in Gaza, making the work of organizations like UNRWA even more vital. The international community’s condemnation of the proposed legislation reflects a concern for the impact it could have on humanitarian efforts in the region.

As the bill progresses through the Israeli legislative process, it remains to be seen how it will affect UNRWA’s operations and the delivery of aid to Palestinians in Gaza. The agency plays a critical role in providing essential services to millions of people across the Middle East, particularly during times of conflict and crisis. While Israel continues to push for measures against UNRWA, the international community, including countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the European Union, has reiterated its support for the agency’s humanitarian mission. The outcome of the bill and its implications for UNRWA’s work in Gaza will be closely monitored amid ongoing tensions in the region.

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