Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is set to release a book this summer that will detail her rise in Democratic politics and shed light on her experiences as Michigan’s governor. Titled “True Gretch,” the book is scheduled for release on July 9 and will provide insights into Whitmer’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, her response to a kidnapping plot, and her clashes with former President Donald Trump. It will also cover her role in the 2022 midterm election, where Michigan voters enshrined abortion rights in the state’s constitution and Democrats gained control of the state government for the first time in four decades.

Having emerged as a key figure in the Democratic party, Whitmer is often speculated as a potential candidate for the party’s presidential nomination in 2028. In a statement announcing her book, Whitmer expressed a desire to inspire compassion, empathy, and the determination to make positive changes in the world. As a former attorney and state lawmaker, she was elected governor in 2018 with a campaign focused on fixing Michigan’s roads. Whitmer faced backlash for implementing strict COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and became a target of right-wing groups, with Trump encouraging protests against her.

Whitmer’s confrontations with Trump, including being labeled a “radical” and a “terrible governor,” boosted her national profile. She delivered the Democratic response to Trump’s State of the Union in 2020 and was considered as a potential vice president pick for President Joe Biden. Winning reelection in 2022 by a significant margin, Whitmer’s party also took control of the state legislature, enabling them to implement Democratic policies. Whitmer’s motto of “getting things done” in politics resonates throughout the book, raising speculation about her future political ambitions post-2026.

The book’s release comes alongside Whitmer’s decision to sign new financial disclosure laws that require state officials, including the governor, to submit annual reports on their sources of income, properties, and assets. Whitmer announced that she will donate the net proceeds from her book to the Capital Region Community Foundation throughout her term as governor in an effort to contribute to philanthropic solutions in mid-Michigan. While speculation continues about Whitmer’s potential aspirations for higher office, she has previously expressed disinterest in pursuing a position in Washington D.C., emphasizing her commitment to serving as Michigan’s governor until her term concludes. The financial details of her book deal remain undisclosed by both Simon & Schuster and Whitmer’s office.

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