Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has released data from Operation Lone Star, the state’s campaign to combat illegal immigration over its southern border, showing over 507,200 suspected illegal migrants have been arrested since the program began in 2021. The data was revealed in a press release and promoted by Abbott on social media, highlighting the efforts to arrest violent criminals and human smugglers to protect Texans and Americans from the dangers of open border policies advocated by President Biden. The surge in illegal migration from Mexico into Texas has led to tension between state and federal authorities, with law enforcement encountering over 68,000 migrants in January, down from 149,000 in December.

Law enforcement in Texas has also made 41,500 criminal arrests and seized over 471 million lethal fentanyl doses since the launch of Operation Lone Star. Governor Abbott has been transferring irregular migrants to Democratic-controlled sanctuary cities, with over 42,000 migrants sent to New York City, 34,400 to Chicago, and 12,500 to Washington D.C. The operation is filling the gaps left by the Biden administration’s failure to secure the border, preventing illegal immigrants and drugs from entering communities in Texas and across the nation.

In response to the escalating situation at the border, Abbott has invoked the state’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself, leading to a Supreme Court ruling allowing federal agents to remove razor wire placed along the Texas-Mexico border. This decision sparked controversy and drew support from 25 Republican governors and former President Donald Trump, who called for other GOP-controlled states to send National Guard troops to Texas. Despite bipartisan efforts in the Senate to pass a $118 billion bill strengthening border security and asylum eligibility, opposition from Republican hardliners, including Trump, has stalled progress.

A Border Patrol chief in Arizona warned of a potential increase in migrant deaths in the coming months due to the rising number of individuals attempting to cross the border and extreme heat conditions. John Modlin, chief patrol agent of the U.S. Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector, expressed concerns about unprecedented levels of deaths in the desert if current migration patterns continue. The situation at the border remains complex and challenging, with ongoing efforts to address the influx of migrants and illicit activities facilitated by lax border enforcement policies.

Overall, Governor Abbott’s Operation Lone Star has led to significant arrests of suspected illegal migrants and criminals attempting to cross the Texas border. The operation is a response to the failure of the Biden administration to secure the border and protect American communities from the dangers posed by illegal immigration and drug trafficking. The Supreme Court ruling and political support from Republican leaders demonstrate the ongoing challenges and divisions surrounding border security policies in the United States. As the situation continues to evolve, efforts to address the root causes of illegal migration and ensure the safety of border communities remain a top priority for state and federal authorities.

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