DonnaJean Wilde, a 58-year-old grandmother from Alberta, Canada, recently broke the Guinness World Record for the longest time in an abdominal plank position for a female. She held the plank for over 4 hours and 30 minutes, surpassing the previous record. Wilde, a mom of 5 and grandmother of 12, planks up to three hours every day but increased her regimen to six hours before the record-breaking attempt. She started planking 12 years ago as an alternative to running and weightlifting after breaking her wrist. Wilde’s husband and son both praised her dedication and athleticism, with her husband noting that her chronic pain actually helped her endure the plank.

Wilde explained that she initially started planking as a way to stay active while recovering from her injury, and she fell in love with it. She even studied for her master’s degree while holding a plank. Despite the physical and mental challenges she faced during the four-and-a-half-hour plank hold, Wilde managed to stay focused and maintain her form. The last hour was particularly difficult for her, but she credits her ability to stay calm and breathe for helping her achieve the record. Wilde’s family and colleagues showed their support by watching her attempt the record at the school where she previously worked as a vice principal.

Wilde’s son, who is a teacher at the school, mentioned that his mother has always been active and fit, with a daily routine of running four miles before the family even woke up. Seeing her dedication to fitness and the plank challenge was inspiring for him and his students. Wilde’s husband emphasized her unique ability to push through pain and discomfort to achieve her goals. Despite the physical toll the plank challenge took on her elbows and quads, Wilde expressed her disbelief at breaking the record and described it as a dream come true.

The current men’s plank world record is over 9 hours and 38 minutes, achieved by a man from the Czech Republic in 2023. Wilde’s accomplishment as the female record holder showcases her strength, determination, and commitment to fitness. She continues to inspire others with her record-breaking achievement and her passion for planking. Fox News Digital reached out to Wilde for further comment on her experience and her plans for the future. For more lifestyle articles, visit

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