Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has called a special session for the state’s Legislature to ensure that President Joe Biden is on the ballot in November. DeWine expressed frustration with fellow Republicans who have not taken action to address a timing problem with the Democratic convention and the deadline to certify presidential candidates for the state’s ballot. The special session will focus on passing legislation to secure Biden’s spot on the ballot and prohibit campaign spending by foreign nationals. The Legislature is running out of time to address this issue before the election, and DeWine emphasized the importance of resolving it promptly.

DeWine criticized Republican lawmakers in the state House for not making sufficient efforts to address the situation. He noted that the Senate has passed bills to address the issue, but the House has failed to do so. The late date of the Democratic convention has created a timing challenge for Ohio’s certification process, and quick legislative fixes have been used in the past to address similar issues. DeWine’s decision to call a special session reflects his urgency to ensure that both major presidential candidates are on the ballot in November, despite the lack of action from some members of his party.

Ohio Democratic Party Chair Elizabeth Walters condemned what she called “corrupt GOP politicians” and urged Republican lawmakers to prioritize resolving the ballot issue. She expressed confidence that Joe Biden will ultimately be on the Ohio ballot, despite the political challenges faced by Democrats in the state. Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou supported DeWine’s decision to call a special session, expressing confidence in Donald Trump’s ability to win decisively in Ohio. The state, once considered a vital swing state, has trended towards the right in recent elections, with Trump winning in 2020 and 2016.

DeWine’s strained relationship with the GOP-dominated state Legislature has been evident in the past, particularly in 2021 when lawmakers limited his authority to issue public health orders. The override of DeWine’s veto of a bill granting more powers to legislators in rejecting his moves led to a power struggle over COVID-19 restrictions and reopening measures. DeWine has faced challenges from within his own party on several issues, including the handling of the pandemic, and his decision to call a special session reflects his determination to address the timing problem with the presidential election and ensure both major candidates are on the ballot in Ohio.

The special session called by DeWine will begin on Tuesday, with a focus on passing legislation to secure Biden’s place on the ballot and address campaign spending by foreign nationals. The time-sensitive nature of the issue has heightened the urgency for legislative action, as the state’s statutory deadline for certifying presidential candidates for the November election has already passed. DeWine’s efforts to push for a legislative fix reflect his commitment to upholding the democratic process and ensuring that Ohio voters have a choice between the major presidential candidates in the upcoming election. The outcome of the special session will be critical in determining whether Biden’s name will appear on the Ohio ballot in November, and the state Legislature’s response to DeWine’s call for action will shape the future of the election in Ohio.

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