Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs signed legislation repealing the state’s 160-year-old near-total abortion ban, making way for a new 15-week restriction to be put in place. The bill was passed by the GOP-held Senate, with two Republicans crossing party lines to support it. The debate over the bill grew heated as Republicans criticized the defectors and Democrats, as well as a potential fall ballot initiative to protect abortion rights in the state constitution.

Hobbs and other Democratic leaders hailed the repeal as a crucial step in the fight for reproductive rights. The governor emphasized the importance of protecting women’s bodily autonomy, healthcare decisions, and overall control over their lives. This victory for abortion rights advocates marks the end of a decades-long effort to overturn the 1864 law that banned abortion except in cases where a mother’s life was at risk, and imposed prison sentences on providers.

Despite the repeal, the future of abortion access in Arizona remains uncertain. A recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court mandated that the state adhere to the old law, which will not be enforceable until at least June 27, as per the state’s Democratic attorney general, Kris Mayes. The new repeal measure will only take effect 90 days after the conclusion of the current legislative session, potentially leaving the Civil War-era abortion ban in effect for a period.

The signing of the legislation represents a significant milestone in the ongoing battle over reproductive rights in Arizona. The repeal of the antiquated abortion ban marks a crucial victory for those advocating for greater access to reproductive healthcare in the state. The passage of the 15-week restriction signals a new chapter in the fight for abortion rights, with the potential for further legal and political challenges on the horizon.

Moving forward, the focus will likely shift to ensuring that the 15-week restriction is implemented effectively and fairly, while continuing to push for comprehensive reproductive healthcare policies. The repeal of the near-total abortion ban sets the stage for continued advocacy efforts to protect and expand access to reproductive healthcare for all individuals in Arizona. The legislation signing underscores the importance of ongoing activism and political engagement in the fight for reproductive rights across the state.

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