Republican operatives in Michigan are expressing confidence in their party’s chances in the upcoming election, despite concerns that the GOP’s ground game is lagging behind their Democratic rivals. Michigan GOP Chair Pete Hoekstra believes that the current ground game in Michigan is the most robust that he has seen in a long time. Polls show a tight presidential race with former President Trump leading by just one point, and the Senate race has also tightened significantly. However, there are two House races in Michigan that are rated as toss-ups by the Cook Political Report.

Questions have arisen regarding the Republican ground game in Michigan, with reports suggesting that the Trump campaign’s operation is being outmatched by Democrats in terms of money, enthusiasm, and ground game. Some within the GOP have expressed concerns about the party’s ability to compete effectively. However, Hoekstra disagrees with these assessments, stating that the various organizations working together in Michigan are targeting different blocs of voters and contributing to an overall winning strategy.

Republican operatives in the state are echoing Hoekstra’s sentiments, asserting that the GOP’s operation in Michigan is better than ever before. They point to efforts to turn out low-propensity voters and the strong base of volunteers as key components of their ground game. Despite concerns from some within the party, these operatives believe that the party’s strategy is sound and that they are targeting the right voters to secure victory in the upcoming election.

Cooperation between the Trump campaign, down-ballot campaigns, the RNC, and outside organizations has been highlighted as a key factor in the Republican ground game in Michigan. Operatives are focusing on targeting absentee ballots and lower-propensity voters to secure support for Republican candidates. The approach has shifted from a quantitative focus on knocking on as many doors as possible to a more qualitative approach, targeting the most important doors to secure votes.

Republicans on the ground in Michigan believe that their efforts are paying off, with a massive volunteer and professional effort underway to reach voters. The cooperation between the Rogers and Trump campaigns has led to a significant door-to-door operation, with tens of thousands of doors being knocked on in a single day. The GOP is positioning itself as a competitive force in all levels of the election in Michigan, from the presidential race to the Senate and House contests. Republicans are confident that they have a strong grassroots program to rally voters and drive enthusiasm in the state.

Hoekstra is optimistic about the Republican ground game in Michigan, stating that people are energized and focused on the goal of winning. He believes that the party has a massive effort in place to secure votes and ensure victory in the upcoming election. Despite concerns raised by some within the party and their Democratic opponents, Republicans in Michigan are confident that their ground game is strong enough to win. The effort is seen as critical in a state that is crucial for the outcome of the presidential race, Senate contests, and House races.

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