In a push for more bipartisan cooperation, Republican leaders in the Minnesota Legislature are calling on Democrats to drop a proposed state Equal Rights Amendment, increase funding for rural ambulance services, and make other concessions in exchange for GOP votes on a public works package and an end to filibustering that has been slowing down the final work of the 2024 session. Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson and House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth emphasized the importance of bipartisanship in reaching a deal with the Democratic-controlled chambers and indicated their willingness to negotiate.

With the House and Senate running out of time to approve legislation, tensions have risen as Republicans have expressed frustration at being excluded from shaping major bills of the session. House Republicans recently stretched a routine debate on a “junk fees” ban to seven hours as a form of protest, leading to delays in the proceedings. The Democratic-led push for a Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment, which includes protections for abortion and LGBTQ+ rights in the state Constitution, has also become a point of contention between the two parties.

House Speaker Melissa Hortman and Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy have criticized the GOP demands as unacceptable, accusing Republicans of intentionally obstructing the legislative process. While Democrats have been advocating for a bonding bill totaling around $980 million, Republicans are pushing to limit it to $890 million. The bonding bill, which requires supermajority approval in both chambers, is one of the few areas where Republicans have leverage over the agenda. Additionally, Republicans are seeking additional funding for rural emergency medical services, assurances from Governor Tim Walz on religious exemptions, and modifications to various proposed bills on healthcare, gun safety, and elections.

Despite the ongoing disagreements, there are efforts to find common ground and move towards a resolution. Both parties have expressed a willingness to work together to bring the session to a close in an orderly manner. However, the differences in priorities and ideologies continue to pose challenges to reaching a compromise. The next few days will be crucial in determining the outcome of the session, as both sides navigate negotiations and attempt to address the key issues at stake.

Amidst the political tensions and negotiations, the fate of important legislation hangs in the balance. The bonding bill, funding for emergency services, healthcare proposals, and gun safety measures are all at the center of the debate between Republicans and Democrats. As the session deadline approaches, the pressure is on to find solutions and reach agreements that will benefit the people of Minnesota. It remains to be seen whether the two parties can overcome their differences and work together to address the pressing issues facing the state.

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