Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas is introducing a bill that would prevent federal funds from being used to issue identification cards to illegal immigrants. The bill, called the “No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrant Identity Cards Act,” is co-sponsored by Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida. The bill aims to stop the use of taxpayer dollars for programs like the ICE Secure Docket Card program, which plans to distribute around 10,000 cards to migrants being released into the U.S. The bill also seeks to prevent documentation issued in connection with immigration proceedings from being used to establish eligibility for federal public benefits. Nehls believes that the Biden administration’s reversal of Trump-era policies has led to an influx of migrants at the southern border, and he is calling for a stop to programs that he sees as taking advantage of the American people.

Nehls argues that President Joe Biden’s actions have signaled to the world that the U.S. border is open, resulting in an increase of illegal crossings. He believes that issuing identification cards to illegal aliens at the expense of taxpayers is unacceptable, and that Biden should be focusing on deporting illegal immigrants rather than providing them with ways to further take advantage of the American people. The bill introduced by Nehls mirrors similar legislation brought forth by Senator Josh Hawley, which also aims to prevent federal funds from being used for the ICE Secure Docket Card program. The ICE Secure Docket Card program is set to have a limited rollout this summer, with approximately 10,000 cards being distributed in three or four locations in the U.S.

While ICE has stated that the specifics of the program are still under development and subject to change, they have emphasized that the secure card will not be an official form of federal identification. The agency claims that the program will “modernize documentation provided to some noncitizens” and will only be provided after national security background checks have been performed. Despite this assurance, critics like Nehls and Hawley believe that the program is unnecessary and could potentially be used by illegal immigrants to access federal benefits. They argue that the administration should be focusing on enforcing immigration laws and deporting those who are in the country illegally, rather than providing them with additional support.

Both Nehls and Hawley are pushing for legislation to prevent federal funds from being used to support programs that they see as benefiting illegal immigrants at the expense of American taxpayers. They argue that the priority should be on enforcing immigration laws and ensuring that the border is secure, rather than providing support and resources to those who have entered the country illegally. The issue of immigration and the use of taxpayer funds for programs like the ICE Secure Docket Card program continues to be a point of contention between Republicans and the Biden administration, with both sides presenting differing views on how best to address the issue of illegal immigration in the U.S.

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