Google has announced that Brazil will be the first country to test a new anti-theft feature for Android phones that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify stolen phones and lock the device’s screen. The feature will come with three locking modes, including one that uses AI to detect common movements associated with theft and automatically lock the screen. Another mode allows the user to lock the screen remotely by entering a phone number and completing a security challenge from another device, while the last mode automatically locks the screen if the device is left without internet access for an extended period. The feature will be available to Brazilian users with Android phones version 10 or higher starting in July, with a gradual release to users in other countries throughout the year.

Phone theft is a significant problem in Brazil, with a growing number of stolen cellphones reported each year. In 2022, nearly 1 million cellphones were stolen in Brazil, an increase of 16.6% from the previous year. To address this issue, the Brazilian government launched an app called Celular Seguro in December, allowing users to report stolen phones and block access to them using another trusted device. As of the latest data, around 2 million people are registered with the app nationwide, and 50,000 phones have been successfully blocked through the app.

The new anti-theft feature from Google aims to provide an additional layer of security for Android users in Brazil and other countries. By utilizing AI technology to detect signs of theft and automatically lock the screen, the feature seeks to deter thieves and protect users’ personal information. With the ability to remotely lock the screen using a phone number and security challenge, users have more control over their device’s security even if it is stolen. The feature is part of Google’s ongoing efforts to enhance device security and protect users from theft and unauthorized access.

The introduction of the anti-theft feature in Brazil is a response to the increasing rates of phone theft in the country, reflecting a broader trend of rising cybercrime and digital security concerns globally. With the proliferation of smartphones and advanced technology, the need for enhanced security measures has become more critical to safeguard users’ data and privacy. By partnering with the Brazilian government’s Celular Seguro app and offering innovative locking features, Google aims to combat phone theft and provide users with greater peace of mind when using their devices in public spaces.

As technology continues to evolve, the importance of cybersecurity and data protection will continue to be a top priority for users, companies, and governments around the world. By incorporating AI technology into anti-theft features for Android phones, Google is demonstrating its commitment to enhancing device security and safeguarding user information. As the anti-theft feature becomes available to users in Brazil and other countries, it is likely to contribute to reducing phone theft rates and improving overall device security for Android users. While no security measure is foolproof, the combination of technology, government initiatives, and user awareness can help mitigate the risks of theft and unauthorized access in the digital age.

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