The sector of the PSOE openly critical of Pedro Sánchez currently fits in a room with 125 seats. The presentation of Javier Lambán’s book “Una emoción política. Memorias de un servicio a Aragón y España” brought together prominent figures from the old guard of socialism, including former president Felipe González and former vice president Alfonso Guerra. Emiliano García-Page, president of Castilla-La Mancha, was the only current PSOE leader present at the event, where criticism of the amnesty law was prevalent. The event, held at the Official College of Architects in Madrid, was not attended by any members of the federal leadership or the government, and no direct reproaches were made to the current President and Secretary General of the party. The amnesty law is expected to be approved on May 30th in Congress.

González unequivocally supported Lambán, who faces a fine for missing a Senate session where the vote against the amnesty law took place. Garcia-Page also expressed his support for Lambán’s actions, emphasizing loyalty to the Socialist project. The PSOE had previously fined Carmen Calvo for breaking party discipline in a similar manner. Despite the diplomatic crisis with Argentina sparked by insults to Sánchez and his wife, González preferred to take a diplomatic approach, citing the example of the Pope’s response to similar attacks. Other notable figures at the event included former ministers, labor union leaders, and ex-PSOE members who had been expelled.

Lambán, former President of Aragón, paid tribute to his mentors and emphasized the importance of figures like Felipe González, Alfonso Guerra, and Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba in his political career. He particularly praised García-Page, highlighting his ability to win elections and govern without resorting to divisive tactics, especially in dealing with Catalonia. Lambán stressed the need for the PSOE to recognize and appreciate García-Page’s skills and contributions to the party. He called for a civic reaction to make both the PP and PSOE understand their crucial role as pillars of the political system and urged a concerted effort to address the country’s challenges.

In his closing remarks, Lambán emphasized the importance of acknowledging and confronting the problems facing the country. He called for a collective effort to resolve these issues and highlighted the significance of the PP and PSOE in shaping the future of Spain. The event underscored the ongoing tensions within the PSOE, with a segment of the party openly critical of Sánchez’s leadership. Despite these internal divisions, the gathering also showcased a sense of unity and shared commitment to the socialist ideals that have guided the party for decades. The event highlighted the complex dynamics at play within the PSOE, with diverging opinions on key issues such as the amnesty law and Catalonia, but also a shared respect for the party’s history and values.

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