Family members of the 13 US service members who were killed during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 were disappointed by President Biden’s brief tribute to their loved ones at the United Nations General Assembly. Biden defended the decision to withdraw as a difficult but necessary one, which ultimately led to the loss of American lives and Afghan civilians. However, relatives of the fallen Americans viewed his tribute with skepticism, believing that his decisions and policies were reckless and tarnished the legacy of those who were killed in the suicide bombing at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport.

Some Gold Star families, like Steve Nikoui and Darin Hoover, expressed their frustration with Biden’s handling of the withdrawal and felt that his tribute was insincere. They believed that Biden was trying to cover up his involvement in the debacle that led to the deaths of their loved ones. Despite his occasional statements acknowledging the fallen service members, his public acknowledgment on the world stage was rare, and families felt that he had not truly honored their memories.

While some family members appreciated Biden mentioning the fallen service members in a speech, they felt it was too little, too late. Alicia Lopez questioned why it took three years for Biden to acknowledge their sacrifices on the world stage. The lack of recognition from the Harris-Biden administration was a common complaint among Gold Star family members who longed for accountability and acknowledgment of the failures that led to the deaths of their loved ones.

The Gold Star families also criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for accusing them of engaging in a political stunt when they visited the graves of their loved ones with former President Trump. The families sought accountability from the administration and expressed frustration with Secretary of State Antony Blinken for skipping out on a subpoena to testify before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Lawmakers threatened to hold Blinken in contempt and consider legislation condemning senior administration officials for their handling of the withdrawal.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul released a scathing report on the Afghanistan withdrawal, accusing the administration of ignoring advice from top military brass and failing to understand the conditions on the ground. Gold Star families like Darin Hoover demanded answers and explanations for why the withdrawal was mishandled, resulting in unnecessary loss of life. Despite the controversy surrounding the withdrawal, Vice President Harris defended Biden’s decision to pull out of Afghanistan, arguing that it was necessary to end the costly war that had been ongoing for years. The families of the fallen service members continue to seek accountability and recognition for their sacrifice.

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