In a new video series titled “TeleMeloni”, Giorgia Meloni, the president of the Council, addresses various political topics. She denounces the left-wing opposition, claiming to be different and opposing their ideas, particularly targeting the Democratic Party. Meloni discusses the controversy surrounding the Redditometro, a tool proposed by the deputy minister Leo and later suspended by her for further evaluation, to provide more guarantees to taxpayers. She explains that the government is considering two options: either completely eliminate synthetic assessments or limit the tool to cases of gross tax evasion or individuals claiming to have no assets.

Meloni also touches on the Superbonus decree, a tax incentive spread over 10 years. She acknowledges the high cost and minimal benefits of the edilizia bonuses, which have amounted to 200 billion euros, surpassing the entire recovery and resilience plan. Referring to the “Salva-casa” decree, Meloni describes it as a sensible measure to address minor housing irregularities that prevent the sale or purchase of properties due to bureaucracy, distancing it from condoning building abuses. She defends the importance of homeowners being able to freely sell their properties without state interference.

The president then praises the agreement with Albania to establish reception centers for migrants trying to reach Italy illegally. Despite initial criticism labeling the government as fascist and racist, Meloni notes that 15 European countries have endorsed the Italian-Albanian model in managing migration, showcasing Italy’s leadership in addressing illegal immigration. She asserts that Italy is setting an example for handling immigration despite opposition attempts to sabotage it.

Meloni concludes by addressing accusations from the Secretary of the Democratic Party, challenging her to specify which freedoms have been restricted under the current government’s policies. She contrasts the accusations with the left’s history of restricting freedoms, particularly during the pandemic lockdowns. Meloni highlights that her government prioritizes individual liberties and emphasizes that the left-wing opposition’s criticisms lack substance. She questions the opposition’s claims, pointing out their failure to implement a minimum wage in their 10 years in power and underscoring her administration’s investment in healthcare.

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