The President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni, has stated that no “big brother tax” will be introduced by the government. She has always been against invasive mechanisms like the redditometro applied to ordinary people. The implementation of the tax delegation, led by Deputy Minister of Economics Maurizio Leo, has so far aimed to improve the relationship between the state and citizens, protect honest workers, and combat major tax evasion. While the new edition of the redditometro includes specific safeguards for taxpayers, it has caused confusion within the majority coalition. Forza Italia and the Lega have expressed strong opposition to the redditometro, with the Lega stating that controlling Italian spending in a Big Brother manner is not the best way to combat tax evasion.

Despite reassurances from Deputy Minister Leo, doubts among allies remain regarding the new redditometro. Fratelli d’Italia, in particular, remained silent for many hours in response to the unexpected move. The timing of the sudden implementation of the decree, which had been anticipated for years and was prompted by a Court of Auditors directive from 2018, caught many by surprise. The Democratic Party criticized the government’s actions, accusing them of using institutions for electoral propaganda and following the guidelines of the anti-taxpayer left. Matteo Renzi condemned the government’s approach, while Vincenzo Visco expressed strong support for reviving the redditometro as a tool to combat tax evasion.

Giorgia Meloni affirmed her commitment to working in the best interests of citizens and ensuring a fair balance between the state and the people. She expressed her intention to personally discuss the matter with Deputy Minister Leo and address any necessary changes at the next Council of Ministers meeting. The redditometro, although designed with specific limitations to protect taxpayers, has sparked division within the government coalition. Concerns have been raised about the potential misuse of the tool and its effectiveness in combating tax evasion. The Lega emphasized that the age of inquisition is over and advocated for more transparent methods of monitoring Italian spending.

The sudden reemergence of the redditometro as a means of assessing taxpayers’ ability to contribute has caused a stir among political parties and government officials. While some support its use as a tool to combat evasion, others view it as an intrusive measure that goes against the principles of individual privacy and fairness. The government’s decision to implement the new redditometro has raised questions about its effectiveness and the impact it will have on honest taxpayers. With conflicting opinions within the majority coalition, the issue remains unresolved, and further discussions are expected to address the concerns raised by various parties.

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