The new Parliament that will convene in mid-July is described as the result of the indications expressed at the polls, which represented an important milestone in European history. All political forces have emphasized the need for a change in EU policies, agreeing that Europe must take a different direction than in the past. The President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni, highlighted these points in her speech to the Chamber, ahead of the European Council meeting in Brussels. The Chamber approved the majority’s resolution with 178 votes in favor and 98 against.

Currently, European citizens’ approval of EU institutions stands at around 45%, with a significant increase in voter abstention. Italians in particular showed record low participation in the recent elections. There is a perception of the EU being overly intrusive in domestic affairs while being vulnerable to external pressures. The Premier emphasized the need for the EU to rethink its priorities and approach, focusing on doing less but doing it better. She called for more decision-making power to be given to national states.

Regarding migration, Giorgia Meloni stressed the importance of defending external borders and combatting human trafficking, which she likened to modern-day slavery. She underscored the need to address the root causes of migration and ensure the right not to have to migrate. The Premier advocated for legal entry into Italy and the EU only, preventing mafia groups from managing migration flows. She also called for a reevaluation of ideological aspects of the Green Deal and emphasized the importance of ensuring technological neutrality in environmental policies.

The Premier also paid tribute to Satnam Singh, highlighting his tragic death and the inhumane treatment he suffered in the workplace. This incident shed light on the darker side of Italy, where exploitation and profiteering from human desperation occur. Meloni emphasized the need to recognize the challenges faced by the younger generation and the importance of supporting demographic growth. She called for prioritizing the issue of birth rates on the EU’s strategic agenda, stressing that investments in this area are crucial for the future of Italy and Europe.

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