Kim Kardashian made headlines with her wild Balenciaga fall 2022 show look, which has become part of her iconic fashion moments alongside her veiled Met Gala 2021 appearance and Marilyn Monroe-inspired outfits. However, Gigi Hadid stole the show at the Vetements spring 2025 runway during Paris Fashion Week when she appeared in a striking packing-tape yellow ensemble reminiscent of Kim Kardashian’s memorable entrance at Le Bourget. Hadid later walked for Victoria Beckham in a see-now-buy-now Atonement-green dress, showcasing her versatility on the runway.

Gigi Hadid’s appearance on Guram Gvasalia’s catwalk for Vetements spring 2025 marked a nostalgic moment as she wore a minidress held together with DHL tape. The show also featured Travis Scott and J Balvin, reflecting the brand’s bold and innovative approach to fashion. The Gvasalia brothers, who founded Vetements in 2014 before Demna departed to focus on Balenciaga full time, are known for tapping into everyday inspirations to create unique and impactful designs. They made waves in the industry with a co-ed spring 2017 presentation filled with collaborations with popular brands like Hanes, Champion, Levi’s, Dr Martens, and Eastpak.

The unique and boundary-pushing designs showcased on the Vetements runway demonstrate the brand’s commitment to challenging traditional fashion norms and experimenting with unconventional materials and concepts. Gigi Hadid’s standout look in a packing-tape yellow minidress exemplifies the brand’s bold approach to fashion and its ability to create memorable moments on the runway. The inclusion of well-known figures like Travis Scott and J Balvin further solidifies Vetements’ reputation as a trendsetter in the fashion world.

Travis Scott and J Balvin’s presence on the Vetements spring 2025 runway adds to the star-studded lineup and reflects the brand’s ability to attract high-profile celebrities and artists to showcase its designs. The collaboration between Guram Gvasalia and these influential figures highlights Vetements’ impact on pop culture and its ability to push boundaries in the fashion industry. The brand’s unique approach to runway shows and its willingness to experiment with different concepts continue to captivate audiences and set it apart from other fashion houses.

Vetements’ bold and unconventional designs, as seen in Gigi Hadid’s packing-tape yellow minidress, showcase the brand’s commitment to pushing boundaries and reinventing traditional fashion norms. The brand’s innovative approach to design and its ability to create memorable runway moments have solidified its reputation as a leader in the fashion industry. With a star-studded lineup featuring Travis Scott and J Balvin, Vetements continues to make a mark on the fashion world and attract attention for its daring and boundary-pushing designs.

Overall, Gigi Hadid’s appearance on the Vetements spring 2025 runway, alongside Travis Scott and J Balvin, has once again brought attention to the brand’s innovative and unconventional approach to fashion. The bold and boundary-pushing designs showcased at the show, including Hadid’s iconic packing-tape yellow minidress, highlight Vetements’ commitment to pushing the limits of traditional fashion and creating unique and memorable moments on the runway. With a star-studded lineup and a track record of challenging industry norms, Vetements continues to be a trendsetter in the fashion world and attract attention for its daring and unconventional designs.

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