Waves hitting the shore caused water accumulations and sand deposits on the Cide-Bartın highway in the Irmak Mahallesi area. The Karayolları Kastamonu Regional Directorate teams are working to clean up the water accumulations and sand deposits on the road.

Due to the cleanup efforts, traffic on the affected portions of the highway is being controlled to ensure the safety of motorists and facilitate the clearing of debris. The teams are working diligently to remove the water accumulations and sand deposits to restore the road to its normal condition for smooth and safe travel.

The presence of water accumulations and sand deposits on the road poses a risk to motorists and can potentially lead to accidents if not addressed promptly. The Karayolları Kastamonu Regional Directorate teams are taking measures to clean up the affected areas and maintain safe conditions for travelers on the Cide-Bartın highway.

The efforts of the Karayolları Kastamonu Regional Directorate teams are crucial in ensuring the safety and convenience of motorists on the Cide-Bartın highway. By promptly addressing the water accumulations and sand deposits on the road, the teams are working to prevent potential accidents and maintain smooth traffic flow in the area.

Motorists traveling on the Cide-Bartın highway are advised to exercise caution and follow the instructions of traffic officials as the cleanup efforts continue. The teams are working diligently to address the water accumulations and sand deposits on the road to ensure a safe and hassle-free travel experience for all road users.

The Karayolları Kastamonu Regional Directorate teams are committed to efficiently cleaning up the water accumulations and sand deposits on the Cide-Bartın highway to restore safe road conditions for motorists. The ongoing cleanup efforts are essential in maintaining traffic safety and preventing potential accidents on the affected portions of the highway.

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